Werkschau, Oeuvre Werkschau joe


The Gallery shows a selection of the total body of work as far as it is recorded, at present 723 pieces, i.e. all works documented by photographs. The whole oeuvre is shown in total at Gallery and may be filtered easily for technique or size: You can choose the number of thumbnails to be shown afterwards. Example Small: Each oeuvre can be selected directly (detailed in  Single Views). A click on the image opens in the same tab, the symbol » signals an opening in a new tab. The symbol , if present, leads directly to the comment (detailed in  Comments and Simulations). A click on the dimensions opens the filter for works of the same dimensions. A tolerance filter (± 5 or 10 cm, 5 cm being roughly 2") can be defined there to show works with smaller or larger dimensions. Sorting defines the sequence: The form of presentation is chosen via Thumbs, Listview and Show (detailed in  Shows). Show presents the chosen works automatically in sequence.

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